Advance Medical Weight Loss

Look Great, Feel Great! Let Us Help You Meet Your Goals.

Customized Weight Loss Plans, Metabolic Testing, B-12, MIC-B, and Lipotropic injections offered, Appetite Suppressants, & Much More

Advance Medical Weight Loss

Physician Supervised Weight Loss Clinic in Downtown Braselton, GA

Advance Medical Weight Loss is a physician supervised weight loss clinic. The clinic has been open since 2007, and located in Downtown Braselton since 2018. We care about our patients. Our office gives you the support and accountability needed to be successful.

We know that changing your lifestyle and controlling your weight is a process that takes time. It is our mission to inspire and encourage you. We strive to create an inviting and comfortable environment. We will never judge you and will only offer positive reinforcement and encouragement. Losing weight is a process and it's different for everyone. Advance Medical Weight Loss will work with you to find the nutritional plan and medication combination that works best for you. We're here to help you, not to bring you down! Let us help you reach your goals. 

Advance Medical Weight Loss
Advance Medical Weight Loss

Our Mission

To provide patients with the necessary tools, education, and support to get to their weight loss goal and maintain

Our goal is to help patients who need to lose 200 or more pounds or patients who only need to lose 20 pounds get to their goal weight and maintain that weight through healthy lifestyle changes they will continue to follow.

We want patients to look great and feel great, and for that, we offer accountability to keep you on track. In addition, we treat weight loss as a medical issue with affordable pricing and no contracts.

We are a medical weight loss clinic where you will meet regularly with a physician who will help you improve your health and well-being. Our passion is to help people make changes and achieve a healthy lifestyle. So it is not just about how you look but how you feel!

Advance Medical Weight Loss will be with you through this journey every step of the way with every inch and pound you lose. We want patients to transform their lives and reach their weight loss goals. We are committed to helping you find long-term success. Whether you’ve lost weight only to regain it back again, or you’re just starting a weight loss program, we are here to help you.

Advance Medical Weight Loss is here to provide personal support, guidance about diet and exercise, and to help you kick-start your weight loss. It’s easier to achieve success with the support of our professional and compassionate staff.


Achieve a Healthy Lifestyle

Health Risks of being overweight

  • Extra weight impacts every part of your body
  • Weight gain increases the strain on your heart, muscles, joints, and bones.
  • Fat cells also release hormones that regulate metabolism and other harmful substances that trigger disease development.

Your risk increases for many diseases and health conditions such as:

  • Cardiovascular disease
  • High blood pressure
  • Insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes
  • Osteoarthritis
  • Cancer
  • High blood cholesterol
  • Sleep apnea
  • Kidney disease
  • Fatty liver disease

By making positive healthy lifestyle changes and losing weight you will be able to reduce health risks now and in the future.

Advance Medical Weight Loss